Labor’s live export settlement has dragged on for too long

Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud has called on the Federal Labor Government to end 12 years of anguish for cattle producers impacted by the live export ban of 2011 and reach an appropriate settlement.

The call comes after the government’s most recent settlement offer of $215 million in damages was denounced by industry bodies such as Cattle Australia, which believes the figure doesn’t come close to the $1.2 billion in losses it estimates were suffered because of the ban.

Mr Littleproud said the time had come for the Labor Government to acknowledge the hurt the ban caused and reach an appropriate settlement.

“Frankly, I think this latest offer is insulting to all of those producers whose livelihoods were rocked by the 2011 live cattle export bans,” Mr Littleproud said.

“It is high time the government stood up and accepted responsibility for the hurt this ban caused all those years ago.

“The fact we are now 12 years removed from those bans and there has still not been an appropriate settlement is shameful.”

It is understood the negotiations between the government and those impacted by the ban will come before the courts later this year, however, Mr Littleproud said he would like to see a resolution before then.

“This government needs to right this wrong and find a suitable outcome before this case returns to the courtroom,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Returning to the courts only stands to cost the taxpayers even more, so I call on the Labor Government to end this saga after 12 long years.”


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