$204,740 aged care investment creates a brighter future in Blackbutt

There were smiles and fanfare as Federal Member for Maranoa officially opened two disability-friendly, aged care units in Blackbutt today.

Mr Littleproud said the project was a perfect example of the Liberal Nationals Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) in action, with the units now operating successfully and providing much-needed support to locals and their families.

“It’s about strengthening our local economies, driving much-needed job creation and delivering better facilities for the South Burnett region,” Mr Littleproud said

“We talk about people being able to age in place and this applies equally to those living with a disability,” Mr Littleproud said.

“This project increased the capacity of the local community to provide suitable aged care and support services to people with disability care needs, allowing residents to remain in the local area, staying connected to their community networks.”

“The Liberal Nationals Government is delivering the services and infrastructure our communities deserve and it’s great to be part of a Government that is working closely with local councils and community groups.”

Under Round 5 of the BBRF, the Government committed $300 million to support 298 projects across regional Australia, estimated to create 9,900 jobs during the project period, taking the Government’s total support through the BBRF to $1.38 billion across nearly 1,300 projects.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the Government is focused on ensuring the regions remain strong.

“The Liberal and Nationals Government is continuing to work hard on behalf of Australians living in regional and remote communities,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Our Government is committed to providing local businesses, industries and families with opportunities to get ahead.”


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