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30 Second Survey
Disaster Directory
About Maranoa
What David Stands For
Delivering for Maranoa
How David can help you?
Community Hub
30 Second Survey
Please select from the following the issues most important to you.
General Practitioner (GP) shortages
Improving access to bulk billing/Medicare
Greater access to Telehealth services
Investment in mental health service providers
Rebuilding the local manufacturing industry
Improving access to personal and business banking services
Protecting consumers against digital scams and fraud
Incentivise the unemployed by increasing earnings before JobSeeker is reduced
Ensure Veterans’ and age pensioners can work more without affecting their pension
Supporting the elderly by improving MyAged Care access
Building more aged care facilities
More childcare places
Reinstate the Agricultural Visa
Address chronic workforce shortages
Keeping our borders strong and secure
Investing in better education, skills, training opportunities
Diversifying our energy supply market to maintain affordability
Helping small businesses
Improving mobile service coverage
Fairness for farmers at the farmgate
Water security
Threats to Australian biosecurity
If you could fix one thing in your area what would it be?
If you could raise one issue in the Federal Parliament, what would it be?
About Politics
I usually support support the Liberal Nationals
I usually support Labor
I usually support One Nation
I usually support the Greens
I usually support Independent/Other
I don’t usually support any political party
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone
Your Postcode
About Maranoa
What David Stands For
Delivering for Maranoa
How David Can Help You
Take Survey