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Leader of The Nationals and Shadow Agriculture Minister David Littleproud is calling on Labor to release the findings of an Independent Panel Report into the ban of live sheep exports.
Mr Littleproud said Labor must be transparent about the report, which Agriculture Minister Murray Watt is due to receive today. It comes after a live sheep export phase out panel travelled around Western Australia but failed to properly consult with the industry.
“Minister Watt should have the courage of his convictions and immediately release the scientific and economic modelling behind his decision,” Mr Littleproud said.
Mr Littleproud added he was dismayed that the “The trade has actually increased by 41 per cent since 2021/2022.
If Minister Watt is so confident in his decision and the science behind it, details about the Independent Panel Report must be released.
“Labor is destroying the livelihoods of 3000 people who work in the trade and an industry worth $85 million.
“Minister Watt didn’t have the courage to travel with the panel and look farmers in the eye
himself to say he was stopping the trade – so the least he can do is release the report.”
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and
Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) admitted in Senate Estimates, it hadn’t done any
work on the ban’s impact on sheep prices.
This is despite ABARES advising Minister Watt on
the issue.
“But Minister Watt made decisions based on what animal activists wanted, rather than
thorough and detailed advice.
“Farmers have lost confidence, with sheep prices plummeting. Minister Watt has turned his
back on the live sheep industry.
“A future Coalition government with The Nationals will ensure the live sheep export trade is
saved. Unlike Labor, The Nationals support Australian farmers and their exports.”


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