It can be revealed that the Albanese Labor Government was offered support to bring
forward its Grocery Code of Conduct Review 12 months earlier but was rejected, because
Labor could not see the urgency in taking action.
Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud said he wrote to Assistant Minister for
Competition Andrew Leigh in December 2022, encouraging and offering The Nationals’
support to bring forward the Grocery Code of Conduct Review by one year.
It was rejected by the Assistant Minister, who instead opted for the scheduled review in
October 2023, which was then further delayed 100 days by the Albanese Labor
“It was obvious the cost-of-living crisis families have been feeling for the last 18 months was
not the priority of the Albanese government, which was instead focused on their failed $450
million Referendum and had missed the opportunity to make sure there was fair,
transparent pricing from the farmgate to Australian plates,” Mr Littleproud said.
“In July 2022 I provided the Assistant Minister for Competition with an offer for support on
legislative reforms of the Code of Conduct that the Reviewer Dr Craig Emerson has now
been charged to undertake.”
Mr Littleproud said The Nationals made it clear to the government back then that the Code
should be made mandatory, penalties should be increased, starting at $10 million, and
scaling to divestiture powers if they failed to adjust pricing, to reflect substantial changes in
cost of production, dishonesty, or not in good faith distorted or manipulated grocery prices.
“The Albanese government was also given a warning in May 2023 when former ACCC Chair
Rod Sims said that the supermarkets had likely used their market power to increase prices
higher than necessary during a cost-of-living crisis and that the government could
implement an ACCC-led inquiry that has information gathering powers.”
Mr Littleproud said the Albanese Government failed to use the ACCC in May and then again
in November when The Nationals called for one into meat and fresh produce pricing, but is
now finally considering one.
“I’m not sure if the government has only just realised but they’ve had the tools and the
support to put downward pressure on grocery bills for well over 12 months but haven’t
understood the scale or gravity of the pressure families are facing.”
- Media Release
Labor let supermarkets off the hook 12 months ago
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