Maranoa MP: Flags to fly high at Dalby PCYC

Flags will fly high and proud at Dalby’s Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) with $3972 secured through the Federal Government’s Saluting Their Service program for the purchase and installation of three flagpoles, Maranoa MP David Littleproud said today.

“I firmly believe that flying the flags of this country demand respect and symbolise the equality of all Australian citizens,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Flying Australia’s flags remind us of the contributions current and previous generations have made to our country and that starts at the grassroots with our youth.

“That’s fitting for Dalby’s PCYC because the organisation is committed to working with young people on personal and leadership development skills – skills that develop our communities for the better.

“The latest round of Saluting Their Service grants promotes an appreciation for the role that service men and women have played in shaping our nation.

“We will continue to support the work of organisations that honour the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service men and women.”

The Maranoa electorate was the recipient of $3972 in the latest Community Commemorative Grants category of the Saluting Their Service program.





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