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Seeking Your Submissions On Regional Aviation

The aviation industry provides essential services for business, health and mail services to communities across Maranoa and the Australian Government is seeking your views on how to improve connectivity and innovation in the sector.

The Government has today released an Issues Paper, the first step in preparing the Regional Aviation Policy Statement, which will identify how community access and delivery of goods and services can be better supported.

Maranoa MP David Littleproud said the Federal Government will be canvassing different levels of government and stakeholders from the aviation service and infrastructure sectors.

“We want people in Maranoa to benefit from all aviation programs operating in regional Australia and with better transport connectivity,” Mr Littleproud said.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said it’s important anyone who travels on planes or through airports has the opportunity to contribute.

“The Issues Paper will help all stakeholders assess the challenges, risks and opportunities for regional aviation operators and the communities in which they operate,” Mr McCormack said.

“The benefits the aviation industry can offer regional communities are enormous and that’s why we are committed to getting our Policy Statement right.”

The Regional Aviation Policy Issues Paper will be the first in what is expected to be a series of issues papers addressing key issues impacting the aviation industry.

The Government is accepting submissions on the Issues Paper until Friday 17 April 2020.

Visit to access the issues paper. For further information, email



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