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Supermarkets to come under the microscope at Senate Inquiry Hearing in Orange

Primary producers from across NSW will have an opportunity to share their experiences of dealing with major supermarkets during a Senate Inquiry hearing in Orange.

The hearing forms part of the federal government’s Senate Select Commitee Inquiry on supermarket prices which aims to report on the price-seng pracces and market power of major supermarkets.

Leader of The Naonals David Litleproud said it was pleasing that one of the hearings was set for regional NSW.

“It is important to get the views of regional Australia parcularly those producers who have been dictated to and mistreated by the major supermarkets for many years,” Mr Litleproud said.

“Cost of living is hurng all Australians, no more so than in the Central West, so it is indeed pleasing to know their voices will be heard during this hearing.”

Naonals Senator for NSW Ross Cadell, who will represent The Naonals on the commitee that will put the major supermarkets under the microscope, echoed Mr Litleproud’s senments, saying hosng hearings in only metropolitan areas would not provide a complete picture.

“A Canberra-based inquiry would do litle to help families who are grappling with the rising cost of living,” Senator Cadell said.

“Regional communies across the Calare electorate need acon to ensure they are geng a fair deal at the farm gate and at the supermarket checkout.”

To share your experiences with supermarkets, visit: Share with us your Supermarket experience — Senator Ross Cadell (


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