$20,966 support for western Queensland shows

Western Queensland shows cancelled because of COVID-19 will receive an early Christmas present from the Australian Government, with funding to flow to help ensure they can bounce back next year, Maranoa MP David Littleproud announced today.

“The Government is keen to ensure show societies and field day organisers are in the best shape possible to continue in 2021. These events bring our families and farmers together, build community spirit and help bridge the divide between country and city,” Mr Littleproud said.

The Charleville, Quilpie and Cunnamulla Shows will receive a total of $20,966.15 under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program to help ease cash-flow pressures and cover costs after cancelling their 2020 show due to COVID-19.

Mr Littleproud said shows and field days were uniquely Australian and provide huge economic spin-offs for local communities as well as opportunities for the businesses and services who exhibit.

“They also help to maintain our farmers’ competitive edge by providing an outlet for new ideas, new technologies and new ways of working to be shared,” Mr Littleproud said.

“I am very pleased the Charleville, Quilpie and Cunnamulla shows are able to access this funding to help get them through this tough period and out the other side in a sound position to host again in 2021,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Next year is looking so much brighter and I know this support will be fantastic boost for our volunteers, families and school kids.”

In addition to $10,000 through the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field days program, the Cunnamulla and District Show Society this year received $480,000 to construct a multi-purpose function centre at the Cunnamulla Showgrounds through the Agricultural Show Development Grants program.

18 shows across Maranoa will receive a total $310,637.28 under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program. This is in addition to more than $3.43 million in infrastructure funding granted to 13 Maranoa show societies through the Agricultural Show Development Grants program.

For more information visit the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program webpage here.

Western Queensland shows funded under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program:

Charleville and South West Queensland Show Society Inc. $8,760.65
Quilpie & District Show Society Inc. $2,205.50
Cunnamulla & District Show Society Inc $10,000.00
TOTAL $20,966.15


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