$550,000 for road safety upgrades in Balonne

New road safety upgrades and jobs will be delivered in the Balonne region, with a $550,000 investment under tranche one of the $2 billion Road Safety Program, Maranoa MP David Littleproud announced today.

The Australian Government has approved $225 million for Queensland under tranche one of the Road Safety Program, joining a further $64.6 million to be provided by the Queensland Government.

Maranoa MP David Littleproud said the Australian Government’s funding for the Road Safety Program will deliver lifesaving measures on roads in Maranoa protecting vulnerable road users.

“This funding will deliver key lifesaving improvements such as widening and sealing to key heavy vehicle routes, culvert upgrades to allow two lane travel, median treatments to prevent head-on collisions and barriers to prevent run-off-road crashes and protect against roadside hazards,” Mr Littleproud said.

“I am pleased to see $550,000 committed to improving the Moonie River Bridge on the Carnarvon Highway. This project will upgrade guardrails on the narrow bridge approach and install signage and linemarking to provide safe traffic movements.

“This project will also provide a much-needed boost to local jobs and the economy at a time when it couldn’t be needed more.

“This funding is subject to “use it or lose it” provisions which means these projects will be delivered soon – if they aren’t, these funds will be reallocated – the Federal Government means business.”

Tranche one of the Road Safety Program will deliver more than $43.4 million of road safety upgrades in Maranoa across 19 projects.

The program will be delivered in three, six-month tranches. In total, the Australian Government has approved up to $225 million and the Queensland Government a further $64.6 million to fund the state-wide upgrades.


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