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Council to break ground on MyALL 107 Redevelopment

Construction will soon start on a landmark, $14 million project that will transform MyALL 107 into a vibrant cultural precinct for the Western Downs.

Western Downs Regional Council is delivering the project in partnership with the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government, which is contributing $7 million to the project through the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the redevelopment would transform the site into a vibrant community facility.

“Key features will include an upgraded cinema and theatre space, upgraded library, redeveloped outdoor areas for live entertainment and alfresco dining, in addition to enhanced landscaping, car parking, lighting and drop-off points,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

“Not only will the development deliver a precinct that the community will love, it will also add to the region’s vibrant visitor experiences.”

Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud said the project will help to create jobs and build community spirit by giving residents more ways to learn and enjoy events at the cultural centre.

“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving community services because it has a positive flow-on effect on our quality of life and how we support each other – our $7,056,500 investment through the BBRF to upgrade the cultural precinct reflects this,” Mr Littleproud said.

“BBRF-funded projects go a long way to improving services, events and facilities, creating jobs and securing our fair share in the bush.”

Western Downs Regional Council Mayor Paul McVeigh said today’s sod turn marked a significant milestone for the redevelopment, which would deliver a spectacular destination for the community.

“We are delivering vibrant, modern and attractive facilities that are designed to bring our region together and create a stronger, sustainable future for the Western Downs,” Cr McVeigh said.

“This project was brought forward under Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Package to stimulate the economy and boost the region’s liveability, with works well underway to reinvigorate the old, tired building into a premier precinct.”

FKG Group is partnering with local subcontractors and suppliers to construct the precinct on behalf of Council, with works to start with the demolition of the porte cochere, radio mast and partial building fabric.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

The Australian Government has invested $1.38 billion nationwide across five rounds of the BBRF, funding nearly 1,300 projects to support regional jobs and economies.

To find out more about the project, visit


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