Works on new water bores for Surat and Yuleba are set in stone, thanks to a $1 million investment through the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP), Maranoa MP David Littleproud said.
“Bores are vital for life in the Bush and people in Surat and Yuleba will have peace of mind knowing that they will have an improved supply of fresh water for everyday use once these additional bores are up and running,” Mr Littleproud said.
“This funding is part of the Federal Government’s $8 billion drought response, to upgrade local infrastructure and provide short-term support through the drought by boosting local employment and improving public amenities.
“This is a great use of DCP funds by the Maranoa Regional Council, giving its townships improved access to what is our most prized commodity – water.
“While there has been general rain in the region, many missed out and it takes more than one or two wet events to get out of drought.
“One of the great things about DCP is that funds are driven down into local groups who have a say in which local is contracted to make the upgrades.
“When community groups make these informed decisions, they are justifying projects that are worthwhile for the community.”
All Maranoa council regions are eligible to apply for funding through the Federal Government’s $300 million Drought Communities Programme Extension round.