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Driver Reviver Upgrade for Cunnamulla

A $46,870 upgrade to the Cunnamulla Visitor Information Centre Driver Reviver will help to combat driver fatigue and save lives on our roads.

Federal Member for Maranoa, David Littleproud said there is nothing more important than saving lives, which is what this funding is all about.

“This year has been a tragic year on our roads. Breaking up your drive is a great way to guard against fatigue and Driver Reviver sites like this one in Cunnamulla can become reliable break spots and help to save lives.”

“I am pleased to announce a total of $220,973 in federal funding will upgrade four sites in Maranoa under the Driver Reviver Site Upgrade Program,” said Mr Littleproud.

“This funding will also support our hard-working local volunteers who put in their time and effort to man our Driver Reviver sites, offering motorists a cuppa, friendly conversations and a nice spot to take a break.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the upgrades will help ensure motorists and their passengers can relax and revive in comfort.

“One accident, one injury, one death is one too many and no family should have to endure the loss of a loved one on our roads,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the program is part of the Government’s record investment in life-saving road safety initiatives.

“Our investments include the $3 billion Road Safety Program, $500 million Targeted Road Safety Works initiative and further funding for innovative road safety technologies and education campaigns,” said Mr Buchholz.

In total, the Government is providing $7.2 million to upgrade 71 sites across the country.

More information on the Australian Government’s road safety initiatives is available at


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