Extra $80,000 for Rural Financial Counselling Service Southern Queensland 

 With parts of Maranoa in their seventh year of drought, Maranoa MP David Littleproud said today the injection of an extra $80,000 into the Rural Financial Counselling Service Southern Queensland (RFCS-SQ) will help the organisation keep up with demand.

“Farmers are battling through severe drought and I’m glad that RFCS-SQ, based out of Roma, will have access to even better resources,” Mr Littleproud said.

“It’s really important that if you are in need of support that you don’t self-assess your eligibility – instead seek advice from experts, like those at RFCS-SQ.

“This injection of $80,000 helps bring certainty to service delivery for our Maranoa farmers, to develop action plans in tough times like these, negotiate with lenders and apply for Farm Household Allowance.

“RFCS-SQ is there to guide, coach and mentor drought-affected farmers and rural businesses.

“Maranoa farmers, like those across Australia, are incredibly resilient and I know that this funding injection will help counsellors arm their clients with best practices in a financial climate that constantly changes – regardless of the weather.”

The $80,000 for RFCS-SQ is part of $740,000 in Federal Government contingency funds being laid-out in five Rural Financial Counselling Service providers.

The Federal Government has invested $9.74 million into RFCS-SQ since 2016.

For more information and to apply for assistance visit www.rfcssq.org.au or call 07 4622 5500.



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