14 local community groups in Maranoa will benefit from a share of $2.7 million from the Federal Government to support the work of local volunteers, Maranoa MP David Littleproud announced today.
The grants awarded are between $1,000 and $5,000 and will enable local organisations to better support their volunteers to purchase small equipment, pay fuel, transport and training costs.
Member for Maranoa David Littleproud said volunteers are an integral part of our society, especially during difficult times.
“On December 5 we mark International Volunteer Day and celebrate the contribution of charity and community groups across Maranoa as they continue to support the vulnerable and strengthen our community,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Queensland has been significantly impacted by devastating bushfires and the coronavirus pandemic this year and help is still needed by many.
“I’m pleased to see 14 organisations in Maranoa will be supported by a total $44,618 in funding as part of this supplementary grant round.”
“This additional funding will go a long way in helping even more local organisations and their volunteers to continue their important work, through what has been a very tough year,” Mr Littleproud said.
Volunteer peak bodies across all states and territories are distributing the funding based on the needs of the sector in each state or territory.
The 2020-21 Volunteer Grants round is expected to open mid-2021. Subscribe on the Community Grants Hub to be alerted to this and other grant listings.
For more information on volunteering, visit the Volunteering Australia website.
Maranoa Supplementary Volunteer Grant Recipients 2020:
Organisation Name | Approved Funding |
Artworks Granite Belt Inc. | $3,193.00 |
Ballandean Football Club In | $1,675.00 |
Bedourie State School P and C Association | $2,647.00 |
Blackall Regional Poultry & Caged Bird Club Inc. | $2,500.00 |
Inglewood State Emergency Service | $4,650.00 |
Maranoa Basketball Association Inc | $4,216.00 |
Millmerran Mens Shed Inc | $3,260.00 |
QCWA Cunningham Branch | $2,252.00 |
Quilpie Sport and Recreation Inc | $5,000.00 |
Rotary Club of Charleville | $2,350.00 |
RSL of Australia (QLD Branch) Nanango Sub-Branch Inc. | $3,200.00 |
Warwick Hockey Association Inc | $2,806.00 |
Winton Neighbourhood Centre Inc | $4,869.00 |
Total in Maranoa | $44,618.00 |