Families face another cost of living threat under Labor

The Nationals leader David Littleproud is backing calls for Labor to rule out scrapping the Fuel TaxCredit (FTC) scheme.

Mr Littleproud said dumping the FTC scheme was another cost of living threat under Labor andwould hurt families and businesses.

“Scrapping the FTC scheme would be harmful to our mining and agriculture industries,” Mr

Littleproud said.

“It would directly impact households who are already struggling with a cost of living crisis,

increasing the cost of groceries and travel.”

The Minerals Council has raised the alarm amid speculation Labor is considering amending orscrapping the FTC scheme ahead of the May Budget.

Businesses can currently claim fuel tax credits for fuel used in vehicles travelling off public roads oron private roads.

Mr Littleproud said the changes would be another worrying blow to agriculture.

“Why should a farmer using a tractor to harvest their crops on farmland have to pay a road tax fora private road or area?

“This change would be another tax on farmers. Labor keeps raising the bar, making it harder forfarmers.

“Farmers might start to wonder if they can afford to plant their crops and if it’s worth the fuel use.Common sense tells you when supply goes down, prices go up.

“Agriculture Minister Murray Watt needs to start backing our farmers – not making their livesharder.

“The end result will be higher prices at the grocery store. Families cannot afford another tax bystealth from Labor.

“With parliament resuming this week, I’m calling on Labor to rule out scrapping the FTC scheme asone of its first priorities.”


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