Funding boost for Warrego Gymkhana

In a boost to local sport and the regional economy, Murweh Shire Council has been awarded $6,600 for their Warrego Equestrian Regional Gymkhana Competition.

Member for Maranoa David Littleproud said the funding, under Tranche 4 of the Regional Sport Events Fund, would support regional sport while also helping to boost local economies by attracting more visitors to regional areas to attend sporting events.

“The Warrego Equestrian Regional Gymkhana in August will bring the community together, attract visitors and stimulate the local economy after a challenging few years,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Sport helps bring together communities across Maranoa and we are committed to helping people reconnect and celebrate through sport.

“We’ve seen applications for events range from ‘come and try days’ to larger events such as state sporting championships that will engage the broader community and have flow on effects for local businesses,” Mr Littleproud said.

More information about the Regional Sport Events Fund can be found here.


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