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Guidelines now available for local grants as part of the Preparing Australia Program

A key component of the Australian Government’s $600 million Preparing Australia Program has been launched, with the guidelines for the first stream now available for communities.

Federal Member for Maranoa, David Littleproud is urging locals to get their projects lined up now for the $150 million first round of the Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local ahead of the opening of applications on December 10.

“Grants from $20,000 to $10 million will be available for eligible projects that help to assess and plan for disaster risk, increase capacity and raise awareness of disaster risk, or deliver resilient infrastructure for local communities,” Mr Littleproud said.

“The Australian Government is investing heavily in initiatives to help the nation prepare for natural hazards. Round One is focussed on building community resilience to bushfire, tropical cyclone and floods.

“The grant guidelines contain important information about eligibility and assessment criteria. I encourage local communities to get together, think about their disaster risk and check the guidelines to start preparing an application now.”

In May 2021, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the $600 million Preparing Australia Program in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, to bring a greater focus to disaster risk reduction.

Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions, a sample application form, and support resources are available at

Applications will open on 10 December 2021, with successful projects to commence by mid-2022. Further information about the Preparing Australia Program is available at


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