Member for Maranoa David Littleproud has confirmed the Federal Government will press ahead with fighting prickly acacia without the Queensland Government who reneged on their half of a $10 million deal.
Minister Littleproud said the program was going ahead despite the state Labor government pulling out.
“This has to be one of the lowest political acts in Queensland’s history,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Prickly acacia has already taken hold near places like Longreach and Winton where it’s causing big problems.
“This insidious weed cuts pasture production and makes it hard for stock to get to water.
“Floods can spread its seed to new areas so it’s important we get onto this quickly.
“This is too important – we can’t let prickly acacia get the upper hand so the Coalition Government will press ahead with our $5 million without the state government’s $5 million.
“Since the State Government won’t take part the Commonwealth will be looking for delivery partners to run the program.
“I hope state government come to their senses and restore the $5 million promised for this program.”