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Injune’s locomotive display slated for renewal

Maranoa MP David Littleproud today announced $10,000 – secured through the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal under its Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT) initiative – to restore Injune’s locomotive display.

“The locomotive display is an iconic part of Injune’s history –  it’s going to be a hit with visitors and boost tourism numbers during this severe drought,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Tourism plays an important role during drought and has a positive flow-on affect in the community in terms of an additional income stream.

“The great thing about TTTT grants is that locals stand together and rally as one, are proud of what projects are supported and this really helps to boost morale in these difficult, dry times.

“The aim of this funding support is to help drought-affected communities cope with the stress of drought on families and businesses in rural communities and also renew community infrastructure.

Communities in Maranoa received a total $112,325 in grants from an allocation of $1 million supporting 30 projects in Round 14 of TTTT initiative.

The Federal Government has provided $15 million to the TTTT initiative.



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