Labor continues to ignore Fairyland fire victims

Families in parts of the Western Downs continue to be denied disaster recovery funding from theFebruary fires, because Labor hasn’t completed assessments and updated its websites.

Despite leader of The Nationals and Member for Maranoa David Littleproud calling on Labor to fixthe problem almost one month ago, including correspondence sent to both federal and stateLabor, families are still without vital funding.

“Labor continues to turn its back on fire victims and ignore this time-critical problem, which needsan urgent resolution,” Mr Littleproud said.

“I am deeply concerned for the families impacted by fires who are still without the funding theyneed.

“I have also spoken personally with Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt about theissue, who told me he still can’t provide access to support. Labor’s excuses and delays are simplynot good enough – people are hurting and they need help.”

It comes after the state Labor government named Fairyland as an area where people could accessdisaster assistance in its press release.

However, state and federal Labor websites for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)and Services Australia fail to mention Fairyland.

Mr Littleproud said Labor omitting parts of the Western Downs from jointly-funded DRFA, despitedeclaring it as one of the most affected areas, was hurting the community.

“Minister Watt needs to help Fairyland locals and fix Labor’s mistake, so those impacted can startto rebuild their lives.

“I note the state Labor government has named the suburb in their press release as Fairylands,instead of Fairyland, and I am concerned that a typo, or naming the suburb as Fairylands, which isoften affectionately used by locals, is stopping families from receiving the funding. If it’s a case ofLabor needing to dot their ‘i’s and cross their ‘t’s, I encourage Labor to spell check the extra ‘s’.

“If Labor is not going to update its websites and provide funding, Labor needs to explain why itpublicly named Fairyland as being an impacted area to receive support when in fact Labor had noplans to help those families in the first place.”

Links to websites omitting Fairyland:IA RELEASE

Link to the press release naming Fairyland/Fairylands as an area impacted:



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