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Maranoa MP secures funding boost for Blackall volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Blackall community and to support them, the Bowls Club and Cultural Association have received $7040 in grants, Maranoa MP David Littleproud said.

“While the work of our volunteers may be unpaid it is not unrecognised,” Mr Littleproud said.

“The Blackall Bowls Club will make use of $5000 to install air conditioning.

“That’s going to bring a lot of comfort to volunteers who work the club’s yard and green when they need a break from the heat and on bingo night.

“With $2040 the Blackall Cultural Association will buy an exhaust and heating fan for their kitchen in the Living Arts Centre, helping to keep the facility in good order for the numerous groups who hold functions and workshops there.

“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving volunteer services has a positive flow-on effect on our communities, quality of life and how we support each other.

“This is a token of appreciation to support those who serve.

“Volunteers are an integral part of our society, especially during difficult times. Their contribution is vital to ensuring that we continue to support those in need and in bringing the community together through thick and thin.”

Across Maranoa, 21 groups received a 2019-20 Volunteer Grant, ranging between $1,000 and $5,000, to better support their volunteers by purchasing small equipment, paying for fuel, transport and training costs. Maranoa received $65,770 in the 2019/20 Volunteer Grants round.

National Volunteer Week runs from 18-24 May and is run by Volunteering Australia. You can get involved in the online activities by visiting the Volunteering Australia



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