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Maranoa MP secures funding boost for Stanthorpe volunteers

This week marks National Volunteer Week and four groups on the Southern Downs will benefit from $15,560 in grants, Maranoa MP David Littleproud said.

“While the work of our volunteers may be unpaid it is not unrecognised,” Mr Littleproud said.

“The Warwick ‘Cowboys’ Rugby League Club will invest in its volunteers by using this $4500 grant to train first aid officers, League Safe officers and for those who’ve obtained RSAs.
“The Club draws in many people from around the Southern Downs community, whether they’re players, supporters, families or volunteers.

“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving volunteer services across the Southern Downs because it has a positive flow-on effect on our communities, quality of life and how we support each other.

“It’s also great news that the Killarney Historical Society will use $1480 to purchase office chairs and the Killarney Show and Rodeo Society will buy a marquee with $4580.
“These grants are a token of appreciation to support those who serve.

“Volunteers are an integral part of our society, especially during difficult times. Their contribution is vital to ensuring that we continue to support those in need and in bringing the community together through thick and thin.”

Across Maranoa, 21 groups received a 2019-20 Volunteer Grant, ranging between $1,000 and $5,000, to better support their volunteers by purchasing small equipment, paying for fuel, transport and training costs. Maranoa received $65,770 in the 2019-20 Volunteer Grant round.

National Volunteer Week runs from 18-24 May and is run by Volunteering Australia. You can get involved in the online activities by visiting the Volunteering Australia

Funds for volunteers on the Southern Downs include:

Killarney Show and Rodeo Society $4580 for the purchase of marquee with logo printing
Killarney and District Historical Society $1480 for the purchase of office chairs and cordless vacuum cleaner
Warwick Cowboys Rugby League Football Club $4500 Training for volunteers – first aid, safety officers, RSA
Stanthorpe Carlton United Football Club $5000 for coaching clinics, training of volunteer coaches and delivery of first aid courses



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