Miles Rugby League Club and Bell Cares helping build stronger communities

Maranoa MP David Littleproud today announced that the Miles District Rugby League Club and Bell Cares will share almost $23,000 in Federal Government funding under Round 7 of the Stronger Communities Programme.

The Miles District Rugby League Club will receive $18,000 in funding to upgrade the front of the club house at Centenary Oval – making it more user friendly, safer and more secure.

Mr Littleproud said the club house was central to all activities held at the oval, whether for sporting clubs, community groups or private hire.

“This facility has such expansive use – as a meeting venue, as well hosting major events like Relay for Life, Miles Back to the Bush Festival and charity fundraisers. It’s also used as a base to coordinate emergency situations such as bushfires and floods, so by upgrading the facility, it will provide a much more comfortable environment for many users.”

Bell Cares will use their $4,545 to sharpen up the office with new computer equipment, enabling Care Finder staff to complete administrative tasks and help older residents with online tasks and forms.

Mr Littleproud said that with limited to no services available in Bell for the elderly, this project will help staff to assist the elderly with online applications for the My Aged Care system and other services which require computer access.

“The elders of this project have taken great joy in the fact that they have been great contributors to their community for many volunteer roles and now they can help support their town by helping to employ local people and boost the economy.”

“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving community services across Maranoa because it has a positive flow-on effect on our quality of life and how we support each other – these upgrades for the Western Downs region reflect this.

“Regional communities are the heart of this country and I want to make sure that small capital projects are funded and the community gets exactly what it needs.”

Round 7 of the Stronger Communities Programme delivered $150,000 in Federal Government funding to Maranoa community groups – fourteen projects across Maranoa were funded in this round.

Project grants range from $2500 to $20,000 to help bolster rural communities.


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