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Millions of fish to benefit in Condamine-Balonne and Border Rivers region

The Australian Government is providing $6.6 million to Queensland to deliver a program of work that could see millions more healthy native fish in northern Murray–Darling Basin rivers.

Maranoa MP David Littleproud said the Fish Friendly Water Extraction Project in the Condamine-Balonne and Border Rivers regions would deliver benefits for fish and for communities.

“Funding of $6.6 million has been allocated to install pump screens at river off-takes, which in turn will protect fish populations in the rivers,” Mr Littleproud said.

Mr Littleproud highlighted multiple wins from this project including a reduction in maintenance of pumps and increased efficient watering.

“Communities win if local jobs are created in manufacturing or installing pump screens,” he said.

“The environment wins with more healthy fish in our rivers and with more healthy fish, recreational anglers win with a catch when they throw a line in.”

Mr Littleproud said that not all farmers need to install pump screens – but those who do will contribute to positive outcomes for native fish.

The project is one of 10 Northern Basin Toolkit projects that together keep 70 GL of water in productive use while improving the health of Condamine-Balonne and Border rivers and wetlands and the animals and plants that rely on them.

“Delivery of this project has been accelerated to ensure the benefits will reach communities more rapidly and to show the environmental benefits we can achieve from relatively low-tech, common sense fish protection measures,” he said.

For more information visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s website at


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