WHAT could your community do with $20,000?
Maranoa MP David Littleproud seeks Expressions of Interest from community groups to receive a share of $150,000 under Round 5 of the Stronger Communities Programme.
“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving community services across rural and regional areas in Maranoa because it has a positive flow-on effect on our quality of life,” Mr Littleproud said.
“That’s why I’m happy to see $150,000 in Federal Government funding under the Stronger Communities Programme open up to Maranoa community groups.
“Up to 20 projects can be funded across Maranoa – ranging from $2500 to $20,000 – and I can’t wait to see what projects are put forward to help strengthen our rural communities.
“Our bush communities are the heart of this country and I want to make sure we make the most of this round of funding.
“We’re looking to fund small capital projects, which can range from upgrading the local community hall, installing lights at the football field, building playgrounds at parks or providing essential equipment for the local SES.”
No more than 50% of the total eligible project cost can be funded through this grant.
The remaining share of the project cost can be sourced from local and state government funding; or cash or in-kind support.
“Click on the Stronger Communities tab on my website – www.davidlittleproud.com.au – to download and complete the Expression of Interest form.”
Make sure your submission is lodged with Mr Littleproud’s office before 5pm, September 6.
Phone Mr Littleproud’s office on 4662 2715 for more information. For more information on the programme’s guidelines, check out: www.business.gov.au/scp