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Queensland Finally Stumps Up for Emu Swamp Dam 

  • Work on Emu Swamp Dam set to get underway
  • Coalition Government contributing $42m and $5 million for road infrastructure
  • Dam to be jointly funded by local farmers, the Federal and State governments

Work on Emu Swamp Dam can now get underway after the Queensland Government finally reached into their pockets for a funding advance.

Member for Maranoa and Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud said the Federal Government would contribute $42 million dollars to the project.

“This project will give Granite Belt producers the water security they need,” Minister Littleproud said.

“Local farmers have dug deep and will chip in more than $23.4 million.

“I’m pleased the Queensland Government has finally come to it senses and got on board.

“Farmers have been waiting for this since the Federal Government committed funding for the Dam.

“I’m committed to working with all levels of Government and local growers to make sure the Dam is built.

“The $6 million advance by the State Government today is to get essential work for the Emu Swamp Dam underway.

“That is part of the $13.6 million committed by the State Government.

“It’s good to see we are now working together for the good of Granite Belt producers.

“The Emu Swamp Dam will create hundreds of full times jobs, inject tens of millions of dollars into the local economy and give a secure water source to our producers.”


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