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Send a notice to Australia Post

Leader of The Nationals and Member for Maranoa David Littleproud is calling on locals to deliver their own notice to Australia Post, by sending a loud and clear message to continue services in the area.

Mr Littleproud said locals could now provide input into Labor’s Postal Services Modernisation Discussion Paper with an online submission.

He said Labor must guarantee it wouldn’t leave locals without essential services.

“I am concerned Australia Post is using the phrase ‘modernise’ to ‘cut back’ on services,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Australia Post has community service obligations and the service must not be axed or diminished in rural and remote areas.”

It comes after Australia Post removed much-loved red street post boxes from Maranoa communities in Weengallon, Guluguba, Macalister, with two boxes moved to metropolitan areas.

Australia Post has also reported a record decline in letter deliveries, after losses cut $189.7 million from its half-year profits.

“The loss of red street post boxes was deeply felt in the area – the fact these boxes were sent to metropolitan was a further insult.

“Australia Post needs to prioritise regional areas and that includes saving the remaining red street post boxes.”

For more details go to Postal Services Modernisation | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts


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