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Tara Lagoon Parklands Get a Half-Million-Dollar Boost

The new and improved Tara Lagoon Parkland has been officially opened following an 18-month-long, almost half-million-dollar upgrade.

Maranoa MP David Littleproud joined the Tara community today to officially open the project.

“The Tara community will benefit greatly from this project, which was supported by $244,993 under the Australian Government’s $1.04 billion Building Better Regions fund,” Mr Littleproud said.

“I’m a firm believer in bringing people together and improving community infrastructure across Maranoa because it has a positive flow-on effect on our quality of life and how we support each other – this upgrade to the Tara Lagoon Parklands reflects this.

“The completion of Stage 3 of the Lagoon Parklands Master Plan will attract tourism and community events and stimulate the visitor economy in Tara.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the project has provided a new visitor information centre and toilet block, installed bollards, extended a footpath and built a new main picnic area within the Tara Lagoon Parklands.

“The project supported eight jobs during construction and will create another six ongoing jobs for the community while greatly enhancing this important community facility,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Mayor of Western Downs Regional Council Paul McVeigh said this project wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of the community.

“The Western Downs Regional Council is proud to have partnered with the Australian Government and Shell Queensland Gas Company to deliver these improvements to this much-loved space in the community and for travellers visiting the region,” Cr McVeigh said.

The $489,866 project was jointly funded with the Australian Government committing $244,933, Western Downs Regional Council $46,933 and Shell Queensland Gas Company $198,000.


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